Getting Over Ourselves


Moving Beyond an Age of Burnout, Loneliness, and Narcissism

ISBN : 9781394169856.
Catégorie : .



Nombre de pages

Move beyond empty « life hacks » to connect with your deepest humanity

In Getting Over Ourselves: Moving Beyond a Culture of Burnout, Loneliness, and Narcissism, human development specialist and leadership coach Christina Congleton delivers an insightful and urgently needed discussion of how people can break out of the tired cliches of the self-help genre, and move toward new levels of connection, engagement, and capacity in navigating an uncertain world.

In the book, you’ll explore how modern attitudes of individualism that were once freeing now converge with environmental destruction, inequality, and an alarming uptick in depression, substance abuse, and suicide to significantly damage the potential of people everywhere. You’ll also find concrete strategies–rooted in developmental psychology–that show us new ways to approach these challenging times.

Getting Over Ourselves offers:
* Insights into why « life hacks, » productivity seminars, and more « adulting » are not the solutions to the issues faced by people today
* Frameworks that reject the idea that there is a separate, solitary self in need of constant improvement, and connect you with your deepest humanity
* Effective techniques for fending off burnout and ways to move beyond the unsatisfactory status quo

An essential and timely work, Getting Over Ourselves is the antidote to the skin-deep, ineffective « self-help » material that you’ve been looking for.

Part I: The Urgency to Get Over Our Selves
Chapter 1: A World on Edge
Paradise Burning
Stressed to Death
A Failed Prediction
Keynes vs. Hayek
The Heart and Soul of Neoliberalism

Chapter 2: Lost Heroes
Selfie Generation
Lonely Generation
Burnout Generation
Lost Generation
Another Failed Prediction?

Chapter 3: Spirals of Change
What was Enlightenment?
From Enlightenment to the Dog Whisperer
Tracing the Path of Human Development
The Self-Sovereign Opportunist
The Socialized Diplomat and Expert
The Self-Authoring Achiever
Toxic Achieverism
Spiral to Arc

Chapter 4: Wandering at an Apex
The Self-Questioning Transformer
Navigating the Postmodern Terrain
Neoliberal Quicksand
Destroy this Model
Slipping through the Cracks

Part II: Un-Self Help

Chapter 5: Selfies and Self-Realization
Guidepost #1: From Self-perfection to the Wisdom of Humility
Narcissism as Mistaken Identity
Default Mode
Narrative vs. Minimal Self
The True Meaning of Humility
The Richness of Self-Realization
Anchoring in the Practice of Embodiment

Chapter 6: Loneliness and Oneness
Guidepost #2: From Separateness to the Wisdom of Interdependence
Physical Interdependence: Bodies of Multitudes
Psychological Interdependence: The Resonant Brain
Spiritual Interdependence: The Garment of Destiny
Anchoring in the Practice of Connection

Chapter 7: Burnout and Wholeheartedness
Guidepost #3: From Rationality to the Wisdom of Vulnerability
When Your Heart’s Not in It
Heart as Escape Hatch
Mark of the Valkyries
Real Compassion
Vulnerable Confidence
The Heart of Yes and No
Anchoring in the Practice of Courage

Chapter 8: Lost and Liberated
Guidepost #4: From Progress to the Wisdom of Openness
Dare to Not Know
Staying with Uncertainty
The Cure in Curiosity
Relaxing into Insight
The Mindful Brain
The Modern Mindfulness Trap
Anchoring in the Practice of Wonder

Part III: Concluding and Beginning

Chapter 9: Friends between Worlds
Calling All Builders
Power in Diversity, Diversity in Power
Moving Slowly
Listening Deeply
Loving Fiercely
I Don’t Want to Move to Mars
Room for Alternatives
Heroes of Belonging
Recommended Reading
About the Author